Anna Ruhe schreibt Kinder- und Jugendbücher


New Books in German – Issue 37

Oh Wow! Da freue ich mir aber ein Loch in den Bauch ;-)
"Sealand – Hitchhiking to the end of the Vortex" ist in der NEW BOOKS IN GERMAN Issue 37 ausgewählt worden.  

Anna Ruhe’s talented debut is an adventure story that pushes the boundaries of the imagination and leaves readers eager to return to her enthralling underwater world. Sealand is richly imagined and full of brilliant details which allow readers to revel in a fantasy land where people and mermaids live together. Ruhe balances lively dialogue with engaging prose to paint a picture of a world that is both believable and utterly compelling. ... . Its accessible, fast-paced narrative will have even the most reluctant readers hooked.
— New Books in German
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